Two component, polyurethane finishing sealer to be used as a dust-repellent and anti-oil finishing coat on concrete and Ultratop, or as a finishing coat on epoxy systems. Mapefloor Finish 52 W is…
Two component, polyurethane finishing sealer to be used as a dust-repellent and…
Ultra-fast drying self-leveling compound for thicknesses from 3 to 30 mm. Where to use: Ultraplan Maxi 3230 is used for leveling and smoothing differences in thicknesses from 3 to 30 mm on new or…
Ultra-fast drying self-leveling compound for thicknesses from 3 to 30 mm. Where…
Solvent-free bitumen primer for membranes from the Mapethene line. Where to use: Mapethene Primer is used as a primer for self-adhesive bitumen membranes from the Mapethene line. Advantages: Ready…
Solvent-free bitumen primer for membranes from the Mapethene line. Where to…
A solvent-free, non-flammable carpet adhesive dispersed in water, with strong initial bond and long open time. ULTRABOND ECO 170 does not contain toxic substances and has an extremely low emission…
A solvent-free, non-flammable carpet adhesive dispersed in water, with strong…
Two-component high performance flexible rapid set adhesive for the installation of ceramic, porcelain, natural and agglomerate stone. Ideal for heavy duty commercial and industrial applications,…
Two-component high performance flexible rapid set adhesive for the installation…
TECHNICAL DATA: Consistency: creamy paste. Colour: light beige. Open time (formation of skin): 35 mins. Set to foot traffic: approx. 12 hours. EMICODE: EC1 R Plus - very low emission. Storage: 12…
TECHNICAL DATA: Consistency: creamy paste. Colour: light beige. Open time…
Bonding enhancer to be applied before MAPESIL AC when using it for concrete, wood, metal, painted surfaces, plastic and rubber. Where to use: Primer FD is an adhesion promoter for silicone and hybrid…
Bonding enhancer to be applied before MAPESIL AC when using it for concrete,…
Elastomeric paint for crack-bridging protection. Protective and decorative elastic paint based on acrylic resins in water dispersion. Elastocolor is used to protect the surfaces of concrete and…
Elastomeric paint for crack-bridging protection. Protective and decorative…
TECHNICAL DATA FOR Keraquick S1 Zero + LATEX PLUS Pot life: 30 minutes. Open time: 10-15 minutes. Waiting time before grouting: 2-3 hours. Set to light foot traffic: approx. 2-3 hours. Ready for use:…
TECHNICAL DATA FOR Keraquick S1 Zero + LATEX PLUS Pot life: 30 minutes. Open…
Excellent wet grab adhesive with early build up of strength for textile and linoleum floorings. TECHNICAL DATA: Consistency: creamy paste. Colour: light beige. Waiting time: 0-10 minutes. Open time:…
Excellent wet grab adhesive with early build up of strength for textile and…
Where to use: Repairing underground masonries subject to water and moisture seepage in situations with negative pressure up to 1 atmosphere. Waterproofing basins, reservoirs, concrete or masonry…
Where to use: Repairing underground masonries subject to water and moisture…
Where to use: Interior and exterior bonding of ceramic and porcelain tiles and mosaics and natural stone materials that are not sensitive to moisture. Ideal for large format tiling. Some application…
Where to use: Interior and exterior bonding of ceramic and porcelain tiles and…
Where to use: Extremely strong, tough, elastic, adhesive for general purpose use, particularly suitable for non-absorbent substrates or moisture-sensitive substrates (wood, metal, ceramic, stone,…
Where to use: Extremely strong, tough, elastic, adhesive for general purpose…
TECHNICAL DATA: Maximum dimension of aggregate: 2.5 mm. Mixing ratio: 100 parts of MAPEGROUT SV FIBER with 13.5-14.5 parts of water. Pot life of mix: approximately 20 minutes (at +20°C). Minimum…
TECHNICAL DATA: Maximum dimension of aggregate: 2.5 mm. Mixing ratio: 100 parts…
Self-adhesive bituminous membrane for waterproofing structures below ground level. Advantages: Mapethene EQ is applied cold in complete safety without using flames. Highly flexible which makes it…
Self-adhesive bituminous membrane for waterproofing structures below ground…
Two-component multipurpose epoxy formulated for industrial floors in compliance with standards applied to the drinks and foodstuffs industry and clean rooms. Some application examples: Coating floors…
Two-component multipurpose epoxy formulated for industrial floors in compliance…