Chemical-action vegetable oil-based form-release ready-to-use agent in water emulsion to improve exposed surfaces. Particularly suitable for use on vertical surfaces. Also suitable for steam curing…
Chemical-action vegetable oil-based form-release ready-to-use agent in water…
A series of products for cleaning and periodic maintenance of floors to guarantee their performance characteristics and attractive finish. TECHNICAL DATA: Storage: 12 months in their original, sealed…
A series of products for cleaning and periodic maintenance of floors to…
De-waxing, multi-action detergent for removing all types of metallic wax including the double-reticulation type, such as MAPELUX LUCIDA or MAPELUX OPACA. TECHNICAL DATA: Appearance: liquid. Colour:…
De-waxing, multi-action detergent for removing all types of metallic wax…
Detergent for normal degreasing operations of floors. TECHNICAL DATA: Appearance: opaque liquid. Colour: green. Solubility in water: soluble. Storage: 24 months in its original sealed packaging.…
Detergent for normal degreasing operations of floors. TECHNICAL DATA:…
Salt-resistant, fillerized, lime and ECO-POZZOLAN-based hydraulic binder for making super-fluid injection slurry for consolidating masonry. TECHNICAL DATA: Maximum size of aggregate: 100 µm. Mixing…
Salt-resistant, fillerized, lime and ECO-POZZOLAN-based hydraulic binder for…
Modified potassium silicate-based primer in water solution. Silexcolor Primer is a primer in water solution based on modified potassium silicate to be used before applying the products of the…
Modified potassium silicate-based primer in water solution. Silexcolor Primer…
Trowelable, highly decorative, vapour permeable, fine finished, silicate-based mineral paste coating, for interior and exterior applications, complies with DIN 18363 Standards. Silexcolor Marmorino…
Trowelable, highly decorative, vapour permeable, fine finished, silicate-based…
Silicate-based, vapour-permeable protective and decorative paint system for cement- or lime-based renders in interiors and exteriors, complies with DIN?18363 Standards. Silexcolor Paint is…
Silicate-based, vapour-permeable protective and decorative paint system for…
Glass fibre mesh resistant to alkalis, used for reinforcing smoothing and levelling layers to repair facades and for Mapetherm thermal cladding systems. This product helps the smoothing and levelling…
Glass fibre mesh resistant to alkalis, used for reinforcing smoothing and…
Two-component, epoxy curing compound in water dispersion, with consolidating and anti-dust properties. Biblock is a transparent, epoxy impregnation product, which is particularly recommended to…
Two-component, epoxy curing compound in water dispersion, with consolidating…
Curing admixture for cementitious mortar and concrete to reduce hydraulic shrinkage and the formation of micro-cracks. TECHNICAL DATA: Consistency: liquid. Storage: 12 months. Consumption: – mortar:…
Curing admixture for cementitious mortar and concrete to reduce hydraulic…
Permanent encapsulation of asbestos cement. Use Aquaflex System cycle for the permanent encapsulation of type A (external view), B (internal view) and C (no view, before confinement) in compliance…
Permanent encapsulation of asbestos cement. Use Aquaflex System cycle for the…
High range water reducing superplasticizer for concrete containing fly ash, GGBS, and silica fume. Mapefluid N220 EG is a chloride free superplasticizing admixture based on synthetic polymers to…
High range water reducing superplasticizer for concrete containing fly ash,…