Alkali-resistant glass fibre mesh suitable for reinforced skimming layers when repairing façades, or for the execution of MAPETHERM thermal insulation systems. TECHNICAL DATA: Composition: 100% glass…
Alkali-resistant glass fibre mesh suitable for reinforced skimming layers when…
Coloured acrylic resin-based base paint in water dispersion for filling and evening out surfaces. Quarzolite Base Coat is a coloured base product made from acrylic resin in water dispersion,…
Coloured acrylic resin-based base paint in water dispersion for filling and…
Coloured, modified potassium silicate-based primer paint in water dispersion with high filling properties for evening out surfaces, according to DIN 18363 Standards. Silexcolor Base Coat is a…
Coloured, modified potassium silicate-based primer paint in water dispersion…
Coloured silicon resin-based base paint in water dispersion for filling and evening out surfaces. Silancolor Base Coat is a coloured base product made from silicon resin in water dispersion,…
Coloured silicon resin-based base paint in water dispersion for filling and…
Liquid admixtures to considerably increase early strenght of concrete/mortar; thus earlier stripping of forms, even at lower concrete temperetures and when using blended cements.
Liquid admixtures to considerably increase early strenght of concrete/mortar;…
Two-component corrosion-inhibiting cementitious mortar for the protection of reinforcing rods. Mapefer is a mortar made up of polymers in water dispersion, cement binders and corrosion inhibitors to…
Two-component corrosion-inhibiting cementitious mortar for the protection of…
Balanced high strength bidirectional carbon fibre fabric. MapeWrap C BI-AX is a bidirectional carbon fibre fabric characterised by a high modulus of elasticity and very high tensile strength.…
Balanced high strength bidirectional carbon fibre fabric. MapeWrap C BI-AX is…
Non-woven, macro-holed polypropylene fabric for reinforcing waterproofing membranes. Mapetex Sel is a non-woven, macro-holed fabric, made from synthetic polypropylene fibres, which is permeable to…
Non-woven, macro-holed polypropylene fabric for reinforcing waterproofing…
Chemical-action vegetable oil-based form-release ready-to-use agent in water emulsion to improve exposed surfaces. Particularly suitable for use on vertical surfaces. Also suitable for steam curing…
Chemical-action vegetable oil-based form-release ready-to-use agent in water…
A series of products for cleaning and periodic maintenance of floors to guarantee their performance characteristics and attractive finish. TECHNICAL DATA: Storage: 12 months in their original, sealed…
A series of products for cleaning and periodic maintenance of floors to…
De-waxing, multi-action detergent for removing all types of metallic wax including the double-reticulation type, such as MAPELUX LUCIDA or MAPELUX OPACA. TECHNICAL DATA: Appearance: liquid. Colour:…
De-waxing, multi-action detergent for removing all types of metallic wax…
Detergent for normal degreasing operations of floors. TECHNICAL DATA: Appearance: opaque liquid. Colour: green. Solubility in water: soluble. Storage: 24 months in its original sealed packaging.…
Detergent for normal degreasing operations of floors. TECHNICAL DATA:…