TransEd Valley Line LRT twin tunnel project – Edmonton, AB, Canada

Location icon Canada
Số tham chiếu: 202953

Xây dựng

Kho bãi When the Canadian city of Edmonton, Alberta, undertook its first foray into underground mass transit with a $1.8 billion project, it turned to MAPEI’s UTT team for waterproofing and concrete expertise.
Vị trí Canada
Danh mục con HẦM
Xây dựng ở 2017
Mở ở 2020
Ứng dụng When the Canadian city of Edmonton, Alberta, undertook its first foray into underground mass transit with a $1.8 billion project, it turned to MAPEI’s UTT team for waterproofing and concrete expertise.
Ngày bắt đầu và hoàn thành 2018/2020
Loại ứng dụng Công trình ngầm

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