Shell PGI Facility, Johor

Location icon Pasir Gudang, Malaysia
Số tham chiếu: 60000016
Danh mục: CƠ SỞ SẢN XUẤT

Xây dựng

Kho bãi Shell PGI Facility, Johor
Vị trí Pasir Gudang, Malaysia
Danh mục con CÔNG NGHIỆP
Xây dựng ở 2013
Mở ở 2013
Ứng dụng Shell PGI Facility, Johor
Loại ứng dụng ChỐng thẤm
Chủ sở hữu Shell Malaysia Trading Sdn Bhd
Nhà phân phối của MAPEI Mapei Malaysia Sdn Bhd
Mô tả This Shell oil-processing facility in Pasir Gudang runs a comprehensive, preventive maintenance program to ensure its uninterrupted operation at the highest levels of efficiency. The MAPEPLAN T M 15 Grey membrane was selected to provide a high-performance and durable system for re-waterproofing the roof with minimal disruption installation. No hacking was needed as the membranes were mechanically fastened to the existing screed topping.

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