Brug in Romeinse stijl

Location icon Beugen, Netherlands
Số tham chiếu: 25

Xây dựng

Kho bãi Bouw Romeinse brug
Vị trí Beugen, Netherlands
Danh mục con CẦU
Xây dựng ở 2016
Mở ở 2016
Ứng dụng Bruggen en viaducten
Ngày bắt đầu và hoàn thành 2016
Loại ứng dụng Công trình mới
Chủ sở hữu Municipality Boxmeer
Công ty lắp đặt AMC natural stones
Quản lý dự án Haasnoot bruggen
Hạng mục Haasnoot bruggen
Project Manager Johan van Heijster
Mô tả Construction of bridge in “roman style” in city Beugen
Prior to the construction of a new hospital and several business buildings in the area an archaeological investigation started in 1997. This was required by law. This investigation has lasted until this year (2016). The area has so much history that it received the status of a monument nowadays. It’s one of the largest archaeological research projects in the Netherlands. The area has been inhabited for over 4500 years, which is unique for the Netherlands. The history comes back to life. You can now walk through time; people will find burial mounds, a Roman path and this bridge from the middle-ages. The mediëval character of the bridge is directly clear because of the structure of the bridge and the materials that are used. It is obvious to visitors that they walk on historical grounds. The bridge opened in June 2016.

Bridge between the present and past
The first bridges were simple wooden logs or planks. Thereafter, copies of bricks were made, but in the first instance, only to support the timber. The stone arch bridge with cement was first constructed by the Romans. The ‘new’ bridge in Beugen with a length of 350 meters was designed, calculated and constructed by Haasnoot Bridges. The company Van Boekel delivered the complete concrete construction, including natural stone finish applied by AMC Natural Stone. The bonding of pieces of stone elements onto a concrete substrate, gives the bridge the Roman look and feel. The concrete is blasted and prepared in a proper way. The incline of horizontal concrete parts is done with Planitop Rasa & Ripara R4. All small holes in the concrete are closed with Elastorapid adhesive.

The natural stone pieces have been bonded with Elastorapid. The joints are grouted with Keracolor Brick. The undergournd concrete has been protected with Plastimul 2K Plus, against upcoming moisture.

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