Yard | Facades in 4000 square meters with POROMAP, installation of ceramic tiles in 1000 square meters indoor. |
Location | Mosonmagyaróvár, Hungary |
Subcategory | CASTLE |
Application | Facades maintenance and installation of ceramic tiles. |
Start and finish date | 2018/2020 |
Application Type | Wall coverings, Waterproofing |
Client | Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences, Szechenyi Istvan University |
Contractor company | Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences, Szechenyi Istvan University |
Installer companies | Szabó és Társa Belsőépítészeti Ltd. |
Architects | TSPC Ltd. |
MAPEI Distributor | Winkler Tüzép Kft., BNF Kft. |
Credits | Mário Bere |
MAPEI Coordination | Júlia Fleisz |