Eastwood Towne Center Parking Garage

Location icon Lansing, USA
N.º de ref.: 9999002
Categoría: COMERCIAL


Yarda Eastwood Towne Center Parking Garage
Ubicación Lansing, USA
Subcategoría PARKING
Construido en 2011
Abierto en 2012
Aplicación Eastwood Towne Center Parking Garage
Tipo de aplicación Nuevo edificio, Aditivos para concreto
Propietario City of Lansing
Empresa contratista Grand River Construction Inc.
Empresas instaladoras High Grade Materials
Arquitectos Desman Associates
Descripción Supplier: High Grade Materials

Currently the city of Lansing, Michigan’s largest concrete building project. This is a $103 million class “A” leed?, cast-in-place, post-tension parking deck. The project required 10,000 cy of high strength, high performance concrete; including PT strengths of over 3,500 psi overnight in all conditions with ultimate strengths of 9,000 psi, architectural finished formwork, high strength columns and parking decks that can endure harsh winter conditions.

Producto usado en el proyecto

Mapetard R
Mapetard R
Aditivo para concreto retardador de fraguado Mapetard R (antes conocido como…
3007920 - Polychem SA-50
Polychem SA-50
Product not available for this market,
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3007930 - Polychem SPC
Polychem SPC
Product not available for this market,
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