It is a mortar with densely populated nano particles, fibers, lightweight fillers and thickeners. Typically, when installing tile on a wall, a ledger board is used to minimize slippage issues while the mortar cures. Using a thixotropic mortar gives the installer an advantage, both in placement and speed, not having to fight slippage. (ISO 13007 C1T/C2T or ANSI A118.15T; “T” rating = no more than 0.5 mm vertical slip)
How is this achieved? As the installer places the tile into the mortar, breaking the ridges, it produces an effect known as ‘shear thinning’, decreasing the viscosity. This ‘shear thinning’ effect allows the tile to be adjusted by the installer, once the tile is in the desired position, then the mortar returns to its original viscous state, holding the tile to the wall without slippage.
If you are looking for a MAPEI setting mortar, repair mortar, etc….formulated with thixotropic properties, consult the website or contact our Technical Services Dept. at 1-800-992-6273.
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