Finding sustainability information on MAPEI products for green construction


Denise Troiano

 August 21, 2024. 3:03 PM

Sustainability is at the core of MAPEI’s mission, reflecting our commitment to sustainable construction and innovation in building materials. For customers seeking detailed information on the sustainability attributes and certifications of MAPEI products, our Website provides a comprehensive breakdown.

By going to the Website and accessing a specific product’s page, users can explore a wealth of information, including Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs), Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), Material Ingredient Reports and more. These attributes support various green-building certification programs such as LEED, Living Building Challenge and WELL Building Standard, and cater to the needs of developers, owners and Architects, Engineers and Contractors (AEC) teams who are striving for sustainability. Keep reading to learn more!

Dive into MAPEI’s commitment to sustainable construction

You can find a complete sustainability breakdown by product on the MAPEI Website. Once you have clicked on a specific product, scroll down to where you would open the Technical Data Sheet. Take Keraflex Plus, for example:

Keraflex Plus product page

From here, you can research many of the sustainable attributes and certifications that are listed underneath the "Technical Data Sheet" row. These sustainable attributes and certifications contribute to LEED, Living Building Challenge, WELL Building Standard and many other green-building certification programs. We also get requests from developers, owners and AEC teams who are being sustainable without pursuing an official green-building certification.

Most customer inquiries can be found in one or more of these documents. Below is a brief explanation of each sustainable attribute or certification.

Sustainability Product Report

A Sustainability Product Report is for customers who are asking for sustainability information about a product, as the report covers all sustainable attributes and certifications – including some that customers may not be aware of. The two-page document summarizes all the sustainable attributes and certifications for a product, including:

  • EPDs (the same report that is accessed through the “EPD” button on the product page)
  • Volatile Organic Compounds (the same report that is accessed through the “Volatile Organic Compound” button on the product page)
  • Material Ingredient Reports
  • Red List Letter requests
  • Recycled Content
  • Regional Criteria
  • Green Squared Certification

We encourage customers to use the Sustainability Product Report in lieu of the other buttons that are on the product page, as the report sums up all the sustainable attributes and certifications that a product can feature. A customer may have come to MAPEI’s Website looking for an EPD, for example, and not have known about our multi-attribute sustainable products.

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)

VOCs are organic chemical compounds that are emitted as gases from certain solids or liquids that evaporate under normal indoor atmospheric conditions. Most people associate a VOC with smell – it is actually the evaporation process.

Material Ingredient Reports

A Material Ingredient Report is a transparent document that communicates the ingredients in a product and how it impacts human health and wellness.

There are many types of Material Ingredient Reports, including Health Product Declarations (HPDs), Declare Labels, Cradle to Cradle certification, Manufacturer Inventories and more. While these reports are available on the Website, there is no button on the product pages for this attribute.

MAPEI has third-party verified Manufacturer Inventories, or MIs. Our third-party verified MIs contribute to products that are worth 1.5 credits for projects pursuing LEED v4.1 certification or by substituting any LEED v4 credits with LEED v4.1.

Red List chemicals

These chemicals represent the worst materials and chemicals that are known to negatively affect human health and our environment. Design teams prefer to use, and sometimes must use, Red List Free products.

If customers ask for Red List information, please have them forward requests to To complete this request, the sustainability team is required to do some digging into the product formula.

Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs)

A product-specific EPD

If a product has an EPD, there will be an EPD button. An EPD is a transparent report that communicates what a product is made of and how it impacts the environment across its entire life cycle. There are two types of EPDs: product-specific EPDs and industry-wide EPDs.

A product-specific EPD is for a specific manufacturer for a specific product. The first image that is being shown is an example of a product-specific EPD.

An industry-wide EPD is an EPD that is developed by an industry association and is a generic declaration that covers the average product across many manufacturers.

We have two industry-wide EPDs through the Tile Council of North America (TCNA):

  • Cement Grout for Tile Installation
  • Cement Mortars for Tile Installation  

We are currently working with other industry associations to contribute to other industry-wide EPDs. The second image that is being shown is an example of an industry-wide EPD.

industry-wide EPD

Recycled Content

This attribute refers to products/materials that are made up of pre- and post-consumer materials. Recycled content can reduce environmental impacts in several ways, including reducing the need for raw materials, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, reducing waste and conserving natural resources.

Regional Criteria

The goal of Regional Criteria is to increase the demand for local building materials, support the use of indigenous resources and reduce the environmental impacts resulting from transportation. In this section, project teams can request the manufacturing location of materials.

Regional Criteria

Green Squared Certification

This sustainable certification is for tile-setting materials. It is a multi-attribute certification that covers environmental and health-related attributes. MAPEI is the only tile-setting manufacturer with this certification.

MAPEI’s dedication to sustainable construction is evident in our transparent and detailed reporting on the environmental impact and health attributes of our products. By offering a range of certifications and attributes such as Environmental Product Declarations, Material Ingredient Reports and Green Squared Certification, we empower customers to make informed, eco-friendly choices.

Whether pursuing formal green-building certifications or simply aiming for sustainable construction practices, our Website provides the resources and support that are necessary to achieve these goals. For further inquiries or specific requests, MAPEI’s sustainability team is readily available, ensuring that all customer needs are met with precision and expertise.


Denise Troiano

Denise Troiano

Denise Troiano brings 24 years of experience in the tile, stone and installation products industry to MAPEI. Working with manufacturers, retailers, designers and installers during this span allows her to answer a wide range of questions from homeowners and industry professionals.


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