Asset Banca SpA

Location icon Gualdicciolo, San Marino
Ref #: 4696


Yard Waterproofing
Location Gualdicciolo, San Marino
Subcategory OFFICES
Built in 2009
Opened in 2010
Application Embedded structures waterproofing
Application Type Waterproofing
Client Asset Banca SpA, Repubblica di S. Marino
Contractor company Sedi s.a., Serravalle, Repubblica di San Marino
Installer companies Tecnoisolamenti, Monteroberto (AN)
Architects Antao Progetti, Repubblica di San Marino, arch. M. Dellarosa,
MAPEI Distributor I.E.C., Galazzano, Repubblica di San Marino
Credits Andrea Melotti - Mapei SpA
Project Manager ing. R. Ragini e arch. M. Dellarosa; per la parte strutturale

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Product used for the project

Idrostop B25
Idrostop B25
Bentonite-Based, Hydrophilic, Expandable, Flexible Rubber Waterstop Strip for…
Product not available for this market,
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