Yard | Admixtures for concrete |
Location | Meiringen, Switzerland |
Subcategory | BRIDGE |
Application | Delivery of concrete admixtures so that construction work could continue despite the freezing temperatures. |
Start and finish date | 2022/2023 |
Application Type | Admixtures for concrete |
Contractor company | Tiefbauamt des Kantons Bern, OIK I Office des Ponts et Chaussées du canton de Berne, AIC 1, Gwatt (Thun | Thoune) |
Installer companies | Ghelma AG Baubetriebe, Meiringen |
Specialists involved | Basler & Hofmann Holding AG, Kriens; Basler & Hofmann AG, Kriens; Sandra Erades |
Project Manager | Jonas Kölliker |
MAPEI Coordination | Thomas Liniger |
Other | Ghelma AG SKISAB / Aarekies Brienz AG, Bern |
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