Resfoam SS 75

Resfoam SS 75

Rigid, Hydrophobic Polyurethane Grout for Soil Stabilization

Resfoam SS 75 is a low-viscosity, hydrophobic polyurethane grout used for soil stabilization in a variety of water-bearing soils. The low viscosity of Resfoam SS 75 provides for effective penetration of the earth, adding structure and stabilization by encapsulating the granules and subsequently forming a rock-like mass. By application, Resfoam SS 75 cures rapidly to a rigid closed cell, effectively stopping water seepage and waterproofing the soil. Resfoam SS 75 utilizes Resfoam HBA 75 catalyst, which provides a variable reaction time.

Related documentation

Technical Data Sheet
Safety Data Sheet
Sustainability Product Report

Product documentation

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