Mapelastic WRB

Mapelastic WRB

Liquid-Applied, Vapor-Permeable, Water-Resistive Barrier

Mapelastic WRB is a single-component, liquid-applied air- and water-resistive barrier for vertical, above-grade exterior walls. Mapelastic WRB minimizes risk of condensation in wall from water vapor diffusion, thus increasing wall durability and the comfort of the building occupants. The rapid-drying formula is rain-resistant within 30 minutes of application under ideal conditions defined as 50°F (10°C) and rising in direct sunlight. Mapelastic WRB is ICC-AC AC212 approved, is NFPA 285 compliant in various assemblies and has been evaluated by ABAA for common wall assemblies. Adhered manufactured stone veneer and thin-brick units may be directbonded to the membrane when using a polymer-modified mortar meeting ANSI A118.15 over suitable substrates such as concrete masonry units, poured concrete walls, stucco basecoat and cement backerboard.

  • Sheds water while allowing vapor passage
  • Highly flexible: Bridges cracks up to 1/8" (3 mm) that may form in the substrate
  • Rain-ready in 30 minutes under ideal conditions
  • Freeze/thaw-resistant after cured
  • One-coat application
  • Excellent adhesion, remaining firmly bonded to the substrate
  • Can be rolled, sprayed or trowel-applied
  • NFPA 285 compliant in most wall assemblies
  • Is an Air Barrier Association of America (ABAA) Evaluated Material and is part of an ABAA Evaluated Assembly
  • SCS Global Services Indoor Advantage Gold certification

Related documentation

Technical Data Sheet
Safety Data Sheet

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