
Global Sustainability Report 2022

This year, to add a further milestone to its sustainability journey, MAPEI presents our first Sustainability Report with a global scope. It is part of our continued journey to share the results achieved in the field of sustainability by maintaining direct and transparent communication with our stakeholders regarding how we monitor and reduce the impact of production processes and products on the environment, promoting the activities of our employees and supporting local communities to achieve satisfying economic results.


Sustainability is built into everything we do

Sustainability has long been the distinguishing feature of MAPEI’s operating and production systems. This is why MAPEI publishes a sustainability brochure, aimed at sharing our environmental, social and economic performance as well as our continual commitment to improvement.

Letter to the stakeholder



In 2022, we celebrated 85 years of activity with a declaration of intent: “Building a present designed to have a future.” We are convinced that only by committing ourselves today can we lay the foundations to ensure a future for the people and the planet.

MAPEI takes this seriously and walks the talk. We started a long time ago with research, and we have always backed our sustainability claims with data and certifications. We are proud to publish our seventh Sustainability Report and our first Sustainability Report encompassing a global scope.

This is a fundamental milestone in a virtuous path that began in 2016 when we published our first Sustainability Report, referring only to the parent company. In the following four years, we included in the reporting all the MAPEI Group’s Italian subsidiaries operating in our core business, and last year we expanded it to cover the sustainability initiatives and commitment of our European subsidiaries. This year, confirming our intention to give the document an international scope, we decided to go even further and present the results of the entire Group worldwide, describing clearly and transparently MAPEI’s operations in all 57 countries in which the Group operates. Every day we work to implement sustainability both environmentally and socially, supported by a solid economic performance that enabled MAPEI to reach €4 billion in sales in 2022.

Sustainability is one of MAPEI’s cornerstones. MAPEI is a pioneer in the world of construction, and we are making a concrete contribution to the fight against climate change by creating increasingly durable products with high quality and low environmental impact. We made a start by optimizing our formulations.

Ten years ago, aware that we could do even more and with a view to reducing CO2 emissions, we were the first to introduce Keraflex Maxi S1 Zero, our cementitious adhesive for ceramics, which has become one of the best-selling and most popular in the world. In 2022, we offered to the entire supply chain the first carbon-neutral system for ceramic tile installation following our decision to also include our iconic Ultracolor Plus grout among the products fully offsetting CO2 emissions over their entire life cycle. We therefore purchased certified environmental credits to encourage the implementation of renewable energy and reforestation projects.

The initiative took off in Italy and quickly extended to all subsidiaries globally, starting with some adhesives for ceramics and building concrete and will continue with the addition of more products.

To help the construction industry maintain high standards while reducing its carbon footprint, MAPEI has developed an integrated approach based on specific hardware and software to overcome the difficulties involved in using cement with low clinker content and aggregates of varying quality throughout the various steps of production, transport and installation.

In 2022, we also carried out numerous energy efficiency upgrades of our production facilities. Subsidiaries around the world, from Europe to China to the United Arab Emirates, have installed photovoltaic panels that will enable the self-production of electricity from renewable sources, reducing greenhouse gas emissions generated at their sites.

None of this would be possible without our almost 12,000 employees, selected via the MAPEI competence model to form a winning team. The quality of MAPEI’s policies and projects in the field of human resources management is of fundamental importance to the Group.

Our company implements a meritocratic system that translates into equal opportunities, as evidenced by our position – for the third consecutive year – in the top part of the “Italy’s Best Employers for Women*” ranking.

MAPEI is committed to supporting culture, sports, social and solidarity initiatives to promote growth and development in the regions in which the Group operates.

We do this in our own way with passion and engagement because we are convinced that sustainability means exactly this: Contributing to the development and support of local communities with an eye to the future.

We believe strongly in the value of training, especially for young talents. For this reason, MAPEI Academy organizes thousands of events, seminars, Webinars and training courses at our premises or at clients’ premises and in collaboration with trade associations. We contribute to facilitating the sharing of knowledge among the various professionals in the building industry, making our skills and tools available to them and raising their awareness of sustainability issues.

The green transition is taking place globally. It requires a high level of competitiveness and talent. This is why we invite you to discover the seventh edition of MAPEI’s Sustainability Report. It is a confirmation of our commitment to investing and growing responsibly: We want to embrace the circular economy, we care for people’s well-being, we work toward increasing social inclusivity, and we have adopted technologies that integrate and enhance human capabilities. Enjoy your reading.

* A study carried out by the German Institute of Quality Institute ITQF and its Media Partner La Repubblica Affari&Finanza.

Veronica and Marco Squinzi

Corporate CEOs

Sustainability figures

All figures refer to a worldwide scope


Million euros distributed to
stakeholders in 2022


Million euros invested
in R&D in 2022

CO2 emissions linked to the production of certain adhesives and mortars worldwide fully offset by purchase of certified credits in support of renewable energy and forestry protection projects



Hours of technical training


Participants in 2022


Total hours of employee training
(approx. 21 per-capita hours)


Purchased products (in weight) sourced
from local suppliers1 in 2022


Employees in 20222


Reduction in the injury frequency rate
in 2022 compared to 2021


Hiring rate
in 2022


Employment termination rate
in 2022


Employees with a permanent


Million euros in contributions invested in sports,
cultural and social initiatives3

1. Local suppliers are suppliers located in the same geographical region as the subsidiaries of reference: Italy, Africa, Latin America, Asia, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Middle East, North America and Oceania.

2. Note that this number differs from the figure published in the 2022 Consolidated Financial Statements (11,914) because it refers to headcount instead of FTEs and temporary workers are not included. Furthermore, the reporting scope of the two reports does not coincide, as better detailed in section 1.1 Our History: 85 Years of Success at

3. Note that the value reported here, amounting to €35.8 million, includes €23.3 million allocated by MAPEI Group companies to U.S. Sassuolo Calcio to conduct its activities.

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