İstanbul Housing Project

Location icon İstanbul, Turkey
Ref #: 68


Yard Outside
Location İstanbul, Turkey
Subcategory APARTMENTS
Application Thermal insulation
The sheathing and painting processes of the residential project in Istanbul, which also includes commercial areas, were completed with Mapei products. Project; Mapetherm Flex RP-TR, a cement-free, fiber-reinforced, lightweight, elastic and thin plastering putty that can be used indoors and outdoors and can also be applied as a primer plaster; Mapetherm Kleber, a one-component, cement-based adhesive for bonding thermal insulation boards; Mapetherm Mortar, a one-component, cement-based mortar used for plastering the surface of insulation boards during the insulation of building walls, Mapetherm Net, a mesh made of alkali-resistant glass fibers suitable for use in reinforced coating layers or Mapetherm thermal insulation systems during facade repair, Facciata Extreme Extreme, a pure acrylic-based, semi-matte exterior paint resistant to harsh climatic conditions, and Facciata Extreme Matt, a matte exterior paint, were used along with a Mapetherm mesh corner profile and auxiliary products produced for use in thermal insulation systems.
Application Type Wall coverings, New building

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