Ready-to-use flexible liquid membrane with fibres for continuous waterproofing layers on exposed external surfaces. TECHNICAL DATA: Consistency: paste. Application temperature range: from +5°C to…
Ready-to-use flexible liquid membrane with fibres for continuous waterproofing…
Ready-to-use, ultra quick-drying, flexible liquid membrane for waterproofing internal and external surfaces. TECHNICAL DATA: Consistency: paste. Application temperature range: from +5°C to +35°C at…
Ready-to-use, ultra quick-drying, flexible liquid membrane for waterproofing…
Two-component epoxy primer for metal surfaces. TECHNICAL DATA: Mixing ratio: comp. A: comp B. = 100 : 30. Colour of mix: white. Consistency of mix: liquid. Dry substances content (%): 70. Density of…
Two-component epoxy primer for metal surfaces. TECHNICAL DATA: Mixing ratio:…
One-component, solvent-free primer for polyurethane sealants, for use on absorbent and non-absorbent surfaces. TECHNICAL DATA: Consistency: liquid. Colour: transparent. Inflammable: no. Application…
One-component, solvent-free primer for polyurethane sealants, for use on…
Two-component epoxy primer with fillers. TECHNICAL DATA: Mixing ratio: component A : component B = 80 : 20. Colour of mix: neutral. Consistency of the mix: viscous fluid. Density of mix (kg/m³):…
Two-component epoxy primer with fillers. TECHNICAL DATA: Mixing ratio:…
Two-component, solvent-free, pure polyurea membrane applied by spray with a high-pressure, bi-mixer type pump, to form waterproof coatings directly on site.
Two-component, solvent-free, pure polyurea membrane applied by spray with a…
Two-component, solvent-free pure polyurea membrane applied
by spray with a high-pressure, bi-mixer type pump, to form waterproof coatings
for hydraulic works, roofs and bridge decks directly on…
Two-component, solvent-free pure polyurea membrane applied
by spray with a…