High performance liquid foaming agent for soil conditioning

Where to use
Stabilfoam 300 is specifically formulated for the preparation of stable TBM (EPB) foams. This product is suited for TBM excavation in most ground conditions. Stabilfoam 300 is compatible with our stabilizing poymers (Mapedrill range) and works well with all type of water (fresh, hard, salt etc.). Stabilfoam 300 enhances tunnelling in fractured and extremely permeable ground conditions. Stabilfoam 300 lubricates the excavation fully to minimise the friction of muck particles on the wear parts of the shield. Machine performances is considerably enhanced with respect to power usage as the material is able to be handled with a greater efficiency. Stabilfoam 300 prevents clays from plugging, thus keeping the whole shield face clean and reduces dust production.

The dosage depends on the ground geo-mechanical characteristics and/or on the type of water present. Our technical laboratory is at customer’s complete disposal for evaluating the optimum required product dosage. In the laboratory we will analyse the required volume of solution to add per m3 of soil and the correct air volume to be added. Our “Underground Technology Team” will further advise on getting the best results from the product on the machine.
TBM (EPB) foaming agent: 0.5-2.0% (normal);1.0-2.5% (high water pressure).

• 25 kg plastic drum.
• 200 kg plastic drum.
• 1000 kg plastic tank.

Related documentation

Safety Data Sheet

Last Projects STABILFOAM 300

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