Liquid foaming agent based on biodegradable surfactants combined with natural polymer for mechanized tunnelling with TBM

Polyfoamer WT is a liquid foaming agent based on biodegradable, anionic surfactants, in combination with a natural and biodegradable polymer. The foam generated with Polyfoamer WT is very stable, characterized by a long half-life time, with elevated strengths and optimal lubricating properties. Polyfoamer WT is combined with a particular natural polymer, biodegradable, which improves the foaming agent properties, making it suitable for use in every type of ground and in particular when the TBM is excavating under the water-table.
Polyfoamer WT creates a foam able to improve significantly the TBM advance performances, extending at the same time the shelf life of the excavating tools on the cutting wheel. Such results are possible due to the elevated lubricating properties of the foam, which decreases the wear between the ground particles to be excavated at the tunnel face and extracted by means of the screw conveyor, thus reducing the working pressures and the powers needed to advance.
Furthermore, the formulation of Polyfoamer WT enables to minimise the consumption of the foaming agent.
The presence of the natural polymer, combined with the anionic surfactants, further improves the product features, as it is able to strengthen and stabilize the generated foam.
Furthermore the presence of the polymer guarantees a better ground conditioning, due to a more homogeneous and pasty muck, which can be easily extracted by the screw and then carried by the belt conveyor.

Polyfoamer WT has to be mixed with water with a concentration that normally varies between 2% and 4%. The product is easily soluble in water.
The consumption depends on the specific characteristics of each tunnel, such as the type and size of the EPB, the ground conditions, the foam injection parameters, etc.
Our Underground Technology Team is at complete disposal to assist you directly at the job-site, in order to optimise the values of foam concentration, FER (“Foam Expansion Ratio”) and FIR (“Foam Injection Ratio”) to be set on the machine.

• 25 kg plastic drum
• 200 kg plastic drum
• 1000 kg plastic tank

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