Dvorišče | Installing ceramic tiles in the elevator, in the staircase and the parking level, in the bicycle storage, in the bathing area at the 'B' building. Products for textile material at the 'C' building. |
Položaj | Budapest, Hungary |
Podkategorija | OFFICES |
Vrsta uporabe | Installing ceramic tiles at the 'B' building. Products for textile material at the 'C' building. |
Datum začetka in konca | 2015/2016 |
Vrsta uporabe | Vgradnja tlakov, Hidroizolacija |
Lastnik | Atenor Group Hungary Ltd. |
Izvajalsko podjetje | Market Zrt. |
Inštalacijska podjetja | Ratskó-Bau Ltd., Dósa Padló Ltd. |
Arhitekti | Tiba Építész Stúdió Ltd. |
Distributer MAPEI | Ratskó-Bau Kft., Market Zrt. |
Koordinacija MAPEI | Gergely Garay, István Bíró |
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