Dvorišče | The Tuen-Chek Lap Kok Link (Northern Connection) | Bridge Link Section between Scenic Hill and Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities |
Položaj | Hong Kong, China |
Podkategorija | TUNNEL, VIADUCT |
Vgrajeno | 2013 |
Otvoritev | 2020 |
Vrsta uporabe | supply of products for anchoring, waterproofing and underground construction |
Datum začetka in konca | 2017/2018 |
Vrsta uporabe | Podzemne konstrukcije, Hidroizolacija |
Lastnik | ighway Department, HKSAR Government |
Izvajalsko podjetje | Dragages-Bouygues Joint Venture |
Koordinacija MAPEI | Stuart Watt (Underground Manager) |
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