Dvorišče | Mapei system helps restore Kentish Town Underground Station |
Položaj | London, United Kingdom |
Podkategorija | RAILWAY STATION |
Vrsta uporabe |
A comprehensive Mapei system has been used in the refurbishment of tiled and rendered areas at Kentish Town Underground Station.
The specification included Mapei mortars, adhesive, grout, sealant and UltraCare maintenance products - featuring very low VOC EMICODE: EC1 Plus formulations – and protective paint system, Silancolor Tonachino Plus. |
Vrsta uporabe | Podzemne konstrukcije, Wall protective, Rešitve za marine program, Hidroizolacija |
Inštalacijska podjetja | Cleshar |
Tukaj se lahko naročite na Mapei novičnik in prejemate naše novice