Denver International Airport, Concourse B West Expansion

Location icon Denver, USA
Ref. št.: 1
Kategorija: PREVOZ


Dvorišče Airport
Položaj Denver, USA
Podkategorija AIRPORT
Vrsta uporabe Installation of large and heavy tiles
Datum začetka in konca 2020
Vrsta uporabe Vgradnja talnih in stenski oblog
Izvajalsko podjetje Turner-Flatiron, Joint Venture
Inštalacijska podjetja Brekhus Tile & Stone
Arhitekti HNTB
Koordinacija MAPEI Bart Wilde

Za projekt uporabljeni izdelek

ECO Prim Grip
ECO Prim Grip
Product not avalaible for this market,
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Kerapoxy CQ
Kerapoxy CQ
Product not avalaible for this market,
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MAPEI Ultralite Mortar Pro
MAPEI Ultralite Mortar Pro
Product not avalaible for this market,
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MAPEI Ultralite S2
MAPEI Ultralite S2
Product not avalaible for this market,
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Mapelastic AquaDefense
Mapelastic AquaDefense
Product not avalaible for this market,
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Reinforcing Fabric
Reinforcing Fabric
Product not avalaible for this market,
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Ultrabond ECO GPT
Ultrabond ECO GPT
Product not avalaible for this market,
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Ultracolor Plus FA
Ultracolor Plus FA
Product not avalaible for this market,
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Ultraflex LFT
Ultraflex LFT
Product not avalaible for this market,
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3000247 - Mapesil T
Mapesil T
Product not avalaible for this market,
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