Choinière Dam and tunnel concrete repair

Location icon Granby, Canada
Ref. št.: 6


Dvorišče Concrete repair, waterproofing of 528-foot (161-m) drainage tunnel, structural crack reinforcement
Položaj Granby, Canada
Podkategorija DAM
Vgrajeno 1975
Otvoritev 1977
Vrsta uporabe After four decades in service, the Choinière Dam and its drainage tunnel were experiencing water infiltration from cracks and failing joints. Specialized products and expertise from MAPEI got the repairs done to keep the water out.
Datum začetka in konca 2019/2021
Vrsta uporabe Obnova betona, Podzemne konstrukcije, Hidroizolacija
Lastnik Government of Quebec
Izvajalsko podjetje Inter-Cité Construction Ltd.
Arhitekti Grazia Toma
Distributer MAPEI Geroquip Inc.
Koordinacija MAPEI Baltazar Basabe, Michel Lafortune and Hamza Ouziame

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