Autoroute Dufferin-Montmorency

Location icon Quebec City, Canada
Ref. št.: 200551


Dvorišče Autoroute Dufferin Montmoency
Položaj Quebec City, Canada
Podkategorija MOTORWAY
Vgrajeno 2013
Otvoritev 2013
Vrsta uporabe Autoroute Dufferin Montmorency
Datum začetka in konca 2013
Vrsta uporabe Hidroizolacija
Lastnik Le ministère des Transports du Québec (MTQ)
Izvajalsko podjetje Pomerleau
Inštalacijska podjetja Prismacoat
Distributer MAPEI Geroquip
Točke Olivier Gariepy
Opis MAPEI’s Technical Services worked with engineers and contractors to produce a colored Mapelastic waterproofing membrane that would exactly meet the requirements for refurbishment of the Autoroute Dufferin-Montmorency in Quebec City, Quebec.

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