Renvation of the Tunnel de la Clusette

Location icon Noiraigue, Switzerland
Ref. št.: 4662
Kategorija: PREVOZ


Dvorišče road tunnel, safety tunnel
Položaj Noiraigue, Switzerland
Podkategorija TUNNEL
Vrsta uporabe After 50 years of service, the 1 km long Tunnel de la Clusette no longer met the required safety standards.
It was repaired with our sealing products. The project essentially comprises the renovation of the existing tunnel and the construction of a safety tunnel parallel to the road tunnel, which will enable the tunnel to be evacuated in the event of a fire. It should also be possible to use the safety tunnel as a pedestrian and cycling path.
Datum začetka in konca 2022/2026
Vrsta uporabe Podzemne konstrukcije
Inštalacijska podjetja Renesco AG, Moosseedorf
Arhitekti Groupement BG ingénieurs conseils SA, Marin-Epagnier | OPAN concept SA, Neuchâtel
Vodja projekta Canton Neuchâtel
Koordinacija MAPEI Stefan Niederberger

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