Grande Prairie Hospital

Location icon Grande Prairie, Alberta, Kanada
Ref #: 7067
Segment: Javni objekti i urbani dizajn


Područje primene internal rooms and corridors
Lokacija Grande Prairie, Alberta, Kanada
Kategorija objekta BOLNICA
Godina izgradnje 2011
Otvoren 2020
Radovi izvedeni Mapei materijalima supply of products for floor covering
Vreme izvođenja radova 2019/2020
Vrsta radova
Investitor Alberta Health Services
Odgovorni projektant Dialog
Fotografije Dialog
Mapei koordinatori Brent Johnsen and Trevor Vermeulen, Mapei Inc. (Canada)

Ostali prilozi

Ovde možete preuzeti sve dokumente vezane za ovaj projekat

Proizvod upotrebljen na projektu

KERAPOXY CQ je dvokomponentna bakteriostatski epoksidna masa za fugovanje i…
Specijalno brzosušeće i brzovezujuće (24 h) hidraulično vezivo za izradu…
3000099 - Mapecem Quickpatch
Mapecem Quickpatch
Product not avalaible for this market,
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3000125 - Mapefloor Finish 450
Mapefloor Finish 450
Product not avalaible for this market,
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3002100 - Mapefloor Finish 54 W/S
Mapefloor Finish 54 W/S
Product not avalaible for this market,
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3002169 - Mapefloor I 302 SL
Mapefloor I 302 SL
Product not avalaible for this market,
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3000063 - Mapefloor PU 400 FC
Mapefloor PU 400 FC
Product not avalaible for this market,
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3000135 - MAPEI Ultralite Mortar Pro
MAPEI Ultralite Mortar Pro
Product not avalaible for this market,
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3000037 - MAPEI Ultralite S1 Quick
MAPEI Ultralite S1 Quick
Product not avalaible for this market,
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3002103 - Mapelastic AquaDefense
Mapelastic AquaDefense
Product not avalaible for this market,
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3000300 - Planibond EBA
Planibond EBA
Product not avalaible for this market,
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3000221 - Primer L
Primer L
Product not avalaible for this market,
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3002901 - Primer SN
Primer SN
Product not avalaible for this market,
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3000237 - Ultrabond ECO 360
Ultrabond ECO 360
Product not avalaible for this market,
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3000281 - Ultrabond G21
Ultrabond G21
Product not avalaible for this market,
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3002824 - Ultraflex LFT
Ultraflex LFT
Product not avalaible for this market,
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3000083 - Ultraplan M20 Plus
Ultraplan M20 Plus
Product not avalaible for this market,
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