Vieux Séminaire de Québec

Location icon Québec, Canada
Ref #: 200389


Obra ballroom and bathrooms
Localização Québec, Canada
Subcategoria PALÁCIO
Construído em 1663
Aplicação supply of products for substrates restoration
Data de início e fim 2013/2014
Tipo de aplicação Pavimentos
Proprietário Séminaire de Québec
Empreteiro Constructions Béland & Lapointe
Aplicador Concrete repairs – BTM Construction; Tile renovations – Céramiques Lindo
Project Manager Designed after the style of 17th-century French colleges
Distribuidor MAPEI Réparations du béton – Pierres et béton St-Léonard; Rénovations des carreaux – Prosol Distribution Inc. (Ville de Québec)
Créditos Juan Isaac Gutierrez
Descrição MAPEI’s Novoplan 1 and Planitop FD were used to restore the main ballroom at the Vieux Séminaire de Québec, one of Canada’s landmark historical institutions. MAPEI tile installation products were also used to renovate bathrooms in the building.

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Produtos utilizados no projeto

3000425 - Ker 121
Ker 121
Product not available for this market,
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3000141 - Kerapoxy
Product not available for this market,
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3000139 - Mapelastic 315
Mapelastic 315
Product not available for this market,
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3000181 - Planitop FD
Planitop FD
Product not available for this market,
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