Artículos técnicos

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marzo 05, 2018. 6:06 PM

#MAPEITechTip: Glass Tile -a little ‘bling’ goes a long way to give a custom look to a project

Today in our 21st Century Glass Mosaic Tile is finding a new generation of admirers as building owners and homeowners are looking to make use of various finishes now available, including glass mosaics and tiles, that are not only functional but…

febrero 13, 2018. 1:55 PM

Take it to the Next Level! - New MAPEI Self-Levelers

Are you in a hurry? Self-levelers can be your best option for leveling an existing floor.  While the specific details on the history of self-levelers are somewhat foggy, we know that the term ‘self-leveler’ was officially coined in the United States…

enero 30, 2018. 1:57 PM

Planitop 330 Fast - Flat Walls Fast!

There is one thing you can count on when approaching a wall tile installation…the walls are rarely plumb and true. In the past, fixing the problem would be time-consuming and problematic. The gypsum or cement boards would have to be removed to…

enero 05, 2018. 9:20 PM

ISO goes to China

As we've mentioned on the Tech Tips blog before, ISO is the international standards setting organization that covers, among many other things, tile and installation products.  This year's annual meeting was held in Guangzhou , China, a city of more…

octubre 25, 2017. 6:18 PM

#MAPEISustainability: LBC (Living Building Challenge) ‘Red List Free’ -What does it mean to ‘building occupant health'?

In the 1980s, MAPEI championed the importance of “sustainable chemistry” with the introduction of the Ultrabond ECO® line of adhesives, which dramatically reduced or eliminated volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by moving away from solvent-based to…

octubre 12, 2017. 9:52 PM

Productos a base de cemento y umbrales OSHA para sílice cristalina respirable

Recientemente, la Administración de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional (OSHA, por su sigla en inglés) estableció umbrales más bajos para exposición de trabajadores a residuos de sílice cristalina respirable, generando debate y preocupación dentro de la…

agosto 30, 2017. 10:16 PM

Flooding considerations for walls and floors

Flood damage can be costly to repair and confusing to assess. We have prepared some information about how inland flooding (rising water from local rivers and streams and overflows from nearby ponds, lakes and reservoirs) can impact floors and walls…

mayo 19, 2017. 5:31 PM

#MAPEITechTip: Construction Installation Products -balancing ‘Performance’ with ‘Sustainability’

In this highly competitive marketplace, an installer’s reputation is ‘King’, a few jobs that go south can quickly ruin a seasoned installer’s years of hard work.  That is why you will find such fierce loyalty on the part of installers to a…

mayo 10, 2017. 9:30 PM

Is your wood floor ready for the next Hurricane Season?

The Atlantic Hurricane Season runs from June 1st to November 30th and MAPEI’s USA headquarters are located less than 5 miles from the Atlantic Ocean . So, preparing ourselves for storm season is just something that we do every year. People often ask…

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