100%-Solids, Industrial-Grade, Epoxy Grout with Color-Coated Quartz
Kerapoxy IEG CQ is a water-cleanable, 100%-solids, epoxy grout with high chemical and stain resistance. It is a nonshrinking, nonsagging, fast-curing, efflorescence-free grout. Color-coated quartz dramatically improves its cleanability, so that Kerapoxy IEG CQ leaves very little film residue during cleanup of excess grout with a grout float. The color-coated quartz also eliminates pigment bleed, so tiles are not stained during installation. This grout is perfectly suited for use in commercial kitchens, meat packing houses, and any commercial and institutional floors that require daily cleaning with enzymatic cleaners. Kerapoxy IEG CQ is ideal for applications where high-strength, mold- and mildew-resistant grout joints are required. In addition, it has high temperature resistance and can be steam-cleaned.
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Miami, USA
Floor/wall covering
Miami, USA
Floor/wall covering