Yarda | Interior floor protection for a dog daycare and boarding facility in Auckland looking after over 500 dogs at various times. 800m2 floor split into 5 different areas for different activities |
Ubicación | Nueva Zelanda |
Subcategoría | PALACIO DEL DUQUE |
Aplicación |
Installation of Mapeoor Sytem 31 HD with Mapeoor Finish 57
The concrete floor was ground using an industrial grinder and a coat of Primer SN epoxy primer was installed. This was followed by a coat of the Mapefloor I 302 SL high build solvent-free epoxy and a top coat of the Mapefloor Finish 57 was installed as a final abrasion-resistant floor coating. The applicator recommended the Mapefloor Finish 57 to their customer due to their previous success with the product being used in a very aggressive environment. |
Fecha de inicio y finalización | 2019 |
Tipo de aplicación | Pisos cementicios o de resina |
Empresa contratista | Epoxy Flooring |
Empresas instaladoras | Epoxy Flooring |
Coordinación de MAPEI | Scott Lacey |
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