La Casa Puig i Cadafalch, Home-Museum

Location icon Argentona, Spain
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The house of one of main exponents of Spanish Modernism architecture has been restored, After years of neglect, this monument of national interest started a new life. The battlements, which were part…

Ref #: 4917


Yard façade battlements
Location Argentona, Spain
Subcategory MUSEUM
Built in 1897
Opened in 1905
Application supply of products for consolidation of façade battlements
Start and finish date 2015/2016
Application Type Masonry restoration
Client Patrimoni Cultural
Contractor company Urcotex Immobiliaria, SLU
Specialists involved Mercè Zazurca, Oriol Solanes and César Sánchez (Studio Mercé Zazurca), Miquel Àngel Sala, (Masala Consultors SL), Joan Ramón Rossell (Laboratori de Materials, UPC)
MAPEI Distributor Bigmat Dorotea S.A.
MAPEI Coordination Joan Lleal and Toni Catllià (Mapei Spain)

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