Sales Manager Building Norway

Espen Bothner
Sales Manager Building Norway
Mob. +47 907 44 560
[email protected]


Salgssjef Bygg Norge

Viggo Breitve 
Sales Manager Norway
Mob. +47 400 82 700
[email protected]



Trond Ueland
Sales Manager Infratek Division
Mob. +47 404 60 370
[email protected]


Tore Karlsen
Technical Sales Viken Øst & Oslo
Mob. +47 974 95 901
[email protected]


Kenneth Nilsen
KAM Facade
Mob. +47 971 58 373
[email protected]


Kenneth Nilsen
Salgssjef Byggkeramikk
Mob. +47 971 58 373
[email protected]


Stian Waksvik
Technical Sales Vestfold & Telemark
Mob. +47 413 39 658
[email protected]


Torben Sønvisen
Technical Sales Nordland, Troms & Finnmark
Mob. +47 906 03 467
[email protected]


Self levelling flooring and flooring adhesives

Erik Haukerud
Sales Manager Industrial Flooring
Mob. +47 913 96 554
[email protected]


Tommy Jevne
Sales Manager SLC
Mob. +47 941 95 909
[email protected]


Øyvind Søgård
Technical Sales Industrial Flooring
Mob. +47 913 52 635
[email protected]


Helge Larsen
Technical Sales Vestland
Mob. +47 957 02 444
[email protected]


Livar Høgemark
Technical Sales Rogaland
Mob. +47 950 78 400
[email protected]


Sales Building Norway

Espen Bothner
Salgssjef Bygg Norge
Mob. +47 907 44 560
[email protected]


Jasmin Sivac
Technical Sales Agder
Mob. +47 908 92 335
[email protected]


Rune Skaug
Technical Sales Oslo/KAM Ceramics
Mob. +47 952 83 517
[email protected]


Kristin Gulliksen
Technical Sales Innlandet
Mob. +47 950 66 016
[email protected]


Technical Support self leveling compounds

Odd Magnus Storbråten
Technical Support SLC
Mob. +47 913 18 170
[email protected]


Technical Support and Training

Tommy Øiongen
Technical Support Manager
Mob. +47 400 82 000
[email protected]


Dan Ole Hansen
Technical Support
Mob. +47 950 40 604
[email protected]


Silje Strandborg Lie
Leder Mapei Academy
Mob. +47 977 79 653
[email protected]


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