mapegrout patch 218


Multi-purpose, shrinkage-compensated, fluid cementitious grout for filling of gaps, voids and holes for anchoring and concrete repairs
用于填充缝隙、空隙和孔洞,以作锚固和混凝 土修复的多功能、补偿收缩水泥基填缝浆料

Where to use 适用范围

  • Anchoring of columns and posts
  • Anchoring of starter bars
  • Repair of broken concrete
  • Patching up piping and ducting holes
  • Filling gaps under base plates
  • 锚固柱子和栏杆
  • 锚固预留搭接钢筋
  • 修复破损的混凝土
  • 修补管道和管道孔
  • 填充基底下的缝隙

Advantages 优势

  • Shrinkage-compensated
  • Can be mixed for pumping, pouring or trowelling
  • High early and ultimate strengths
  • Iron and chloride-free
  • Non-toxic
  • Easy to mix and apply
  • 补偿收缩砂浆
  • 可使用泵,浇筑或抹刀施涂材料
  • 初始强度、极限强度较高
  • 不含铁、不含氯
  • 无毒
  • 易于混合及施涂

Technical Data (Typical Values) 技术数据 (典型值)

Technical data mapefill 318



Mapefill 318 is a preblended powdered grout composed of high strength cement, graded 1.2mm aggregates and special additives with expansion agents formulated by the MAPEI research laboratories.

Related documentation

Technical data sheet
Safety Data Sheet

Last Projects MAPEFILL 318

Video 视频

Mapefill 318

Pumpable, multi-purpose, shrinkage-compensated, cementitiuos grout recommended for fillig voids and cavities in anchoring and…

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