Lansky, Auckland

Location icon Auckland, Nueva Zelanda
N.º de ref.: 42020001
Categoría: COMERCIAL


Yarda heavy pedestrian use floor
Ubicación Auckland, Nueva Zelanda
Subcategoría OFICINA
Aplicación heavy pedestrian use
Another great Ultratop floor installation by Mapefloor trained applicators 'Sealcrete NZ'. Ultratop is a quick setting, self-levelling mortar based on special hydraulic binders, with a high mechanical strength for abrasion-resistant floors from 5- 40mm. It can be left as a finished floor and is perfect for areas subject to heavy pedestrian use such as busy retail outlets. This particular project was finished with Mapefloor Finish 58 W matt look. Available in a range of colours, Ultratop provides the ultimate palette for designing strong, unique and aesthetic floors for retail, supermarket, restaurant and showroom use. Mixed with selected natural aggregates, Ultratop may be used to create floors similar in appearance to Terrazzo or Polished Concrete.
Fecha de inicio y finalización 2020
Tipo de aplicación Colocación en pisos o paredes
Empresa contratista Sealcrete NZ
Gestor de proyectos Scott Lacey

Producto usado en el proyecto

Mapefloor Finish 58 W
Mapefloor Finish 58 W
Acabado mate transparente para pisos. DATOS TÉCNICOS: Relación de mezcla: comp.…
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