Griffins, Auckland

Location icon Auckland, Nueva Zelanda
N.º de ref.: 52021001


Yarda Food Processing facility floor
Ubicación Auckland, Nueva Zelanda
Subcategoría INDUSTRIA
Aplicación Mapefloor trained applicators have started installing Mapefloor CPU/DP on the first stage of a 3300m² Food Processing facility floor in Auckland.
The Mapefloor CPU/DP is a unique heavy duty polyurethane resin technology with exceptional resistance to aggressive chemicals, heavy impact and extreme temperatures. Mapefloor CPU/DP is a range of systems that can be applied in a number of different thicknesses and surface profiles to ensure the correct level of slip, temperature and chemical resistance. The adjustable surface profile can be altered to match the slip resistance with the hazard without compromising the chemical and impact resistance nor the cleanability of the floor.
Fecha de inicio y finalización 2021
Tipo de aplicación Floor/wall covering
Empresa contratista Sealcrete
Gestor de proyectos Scott Lacey

Producto usado en el proyecto

Mapeflex PU35 CR
Mapeflex PU35 CR
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