St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton

Location icon Hamilton, Canada
"참조 #": 200390


"Yard" St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton
"Location" Hamilton, Canada
"Subcategory" HOSPITAL
"Application" St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton
"Application Type" Surface preparation
"Owner" St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton
"Contractor company" PCL Toronto – Buildings & Civil Construction Division
"Installer companies" The Belluz Group Ltd.
"Architects" CannonDesign of Toronto
"MAPEI Distributor" Durox Flooring Accessories; PS Inc. Hamilton
Project Manager Frank Belluz
"설명" MAPEI surface-preparation products were used to level and smooth concrete substrates, which were then covered with 675,000 sq. ft. (62 710 m2) of sheet vinyl and 20,000 sq. ft. (1 858 m2) of porcelain tile at a neuro-healthcare campus in Hamilton, Ontario.

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