S.P. 41 Bridge Agrate/Usmate

Location icon Usmate, Italy
"참조 #": 3667


"Yard" Bridge restoration
"Location" Usmate, Italy
"Subcategory" BRIDGE
"시공 시기" 2005
"오픈 시기" 2005
"Application" Concrete structure restoration
"Application Type" Concrete restoration
"Contractor company" TE.VIA. S.r.l.
"Installer companies" TE.VIA. S.r.l.
"Architects" Dott. Ing. Pierfranco Giovanazzi
"Credits" Vito Pedretti; Giorgio D'Alò - Mapei SpA
Project Manager Dott. Ing. Daniela di Gregorio; Geom. Di Girolamo

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