"Yard" | bathing lake, green roof, indoor and outdoor |
"Location" | Horvátzsidány, Hungary |
"Subcategory" | HOUSE |
"Application" |
bathing lake insulation, green roof design, roof insulation of an outbuilding, external and internal installation of floor, thermal insulation, industrial floor
хидроизолация на басейн, дизайн на зелен покрив, покривна изолация на стопанска постройка, външна и вътрешна инсталация на пода, топлоизолация, индустриален под |
"Start and finish date" | 2012/2014 |
"Application Type" | Flooring, New building, Waterproofing |
"Contractor company" | Gábor Oláh |
"Installer companies" | Barna Szalai, Gábor Oláh, Bautech Ltd., Vasi Épker Ltd. |
"Architects" | László Krizmanics, László Sthimmer |
"MAPEI Distributor" | Épiksz Kkt. |
"Credits" | Mário Bere |
Mapei Korea
46, 5sandan 6-ro, Susin-myeon, Dongnam-gu, Cheonan-si, Chungcheongnam-do, Korea
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