Renovation of the Malley Viaduct

Location icon Prilly, Switzerland
"참조 #": 4665


"Yard" viaduct
"Location" Prilly, Switzerland
"Subcategory" BRIDGE, VIADUCT
"Application" To create space and ensure accessibility for all modes of transportation on the street "Rue de Lausanne", the earthen embankment that extended the historic Malley viaduct, dating from 1922, has been excavated.
It was replaced by a modern 141 m viaduct. The R4 mortar Mapegrout Grunite was used to protect the bituminous waterproofing on the parapets. Mapegrout Grunite was applied to the bituminous waterproofing with a special pray machine. In addition, a custom-made reinforcement grid was used to support the mortar between the bridge deck and the parapet wall.
"Start and finish date" 2023/2024
"Application Type" Surface preparation
"Contractor company" Transports Publics Lausannois, Lausanne
"Installer companies" Isotech VD, Etagnières
"Architects" BG Ingénieurs, Lausanne
"마페이 조정" Alexandre Perona

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