"Yard" | Restoration of Battistero di San Giovanni, Pisa |
"Location" | Pisa, Italy |
"Subcategory" | CHURCH |
"시공 시기" | 1100 |
"Application" | Suply of products for wall restoration and covering |
"Start and finish date" | 2021 |
"Application Type" | |
"Owner" | Opera della Primaziale Pisana |
"Contractor company" | Impresa Cellini srl |
"Installer companies" | Impresa Cellini srl |
"Architects" | Ing. Roberto Cela |
"Project Manager" | Ing. Roberto Cela, Arch. Paolo Frandi |
"MAPEI Distributor" | Renato Lupetti |
"Credits" | Dario Garofalo |
"마페이 조정" | Giacomo Maestrelli e Alessandro Giari |
"설명" | Videomaker Simone Petracchi |
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