PLASTIMUL 1K SUPER PLUS (플라스티뮬 1K 수퍼 플러스)

PLASTIMUL 1K SUPER PLUS (플라스티뮬 1K 수퍼 플러스)

One-component, solvent-free, quick-drying, low-shrinkage, high-yield, high flexibility bitumen waterproofing emulsion containing polystyrene spheres and rubber granules.
Consistency: paste.
Density: 0.65 g/cm³.
pH: 10.
Dry solids content: approx. 73%.
Storage: 12 months.
Application temperature range: from +5°C to +30°C.
Drying time: approximately 2 days.
Consumption: 0.8 kg/m² per mm of thickness of dry product according to the type of substrate.
Packaging: 19.5 kg and 7.8 kg drums.

"관련 문서"

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"최신 프로젝트" PLASTIMUL 1K SUPER PLUS (플라스티뮬 1K 수퍼 플러스)

PLASTIMUL 1K SUPER PLUS (플라스티뮬 1K 수퍼 플러스) "제품 라인의 일부 입니다."

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