Giuseppe Melcangi
Corporate Product Manager Structural Strengthening Mapei S.p.A. (Italy)
CRM Zero Mapei represents a breakthrough in structural strengthening work on buildings that combines sustainability with high performance. We talked about it with Giuseppe Melcangi, Mapei Corporate Product Manager for Structural Strengthening.

What is CRM Zero*?

A complete and highly sustainable solution using composite systems in CRM (Composite reinforced mortars) to guarantee high performance for masonry and concrete buildings requiring consolidation or structural strengthening work. This is CRM ZERO by Mapei: an evolution, compared with a traditional strengthening system using reinforced render, which includes:

  • MAPENET EMR preformed mesh in various sizes (33/66/99);
  • MAPEWALL RENDER & STRENGTHEN and MAPE-ANTIQUE NHL ECO STRUTTURALE inorganic mortars, applied in layers 3-4 cm thick and also with the ability to cover uneven masonry;
  • preformed connectors in various lengths and corner elements.
Apart from guaranteeing that structures have high dimensional stability, better load-bearing capacity and more even stress distribution, what makes CRM ZERO MAPEI stand out from any other solution available on the market is the low impact on the environment of all its components. 

In fact, its CO2 emissions are measured throughout its life cycle in 2024 using LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) methodology, verified and certified through EPD (Environmental Product Declarations), and then offset through the acquisition of certified carbon credits in favour of forestry protection projects.
A highly durable solution with low environmental impact confirmed through tests carried out in aggressive environments for more than 3000 hours. Further proof of the commitment Mapei has always shown for the environment, for the planet, for people and for biodiversity. A new milestone in sustainability achieved thanks to the work carried out in the Mapei Research & Development Laboratories and to the company’s passion for innovation. 

CRM ZERO MAPEI is a new structural strengthening system for masonry and concrete buildings. Mapei has been operating in this field for a long time and, over the years, has developed and introduced to the market increasingly high performance materials and systems. So, what’s new about CRM Zero?
The CRM ZERO strengthening system represents an evolution with respect to a traditional reinforced render system and is made up of preformed meshes, corner elements and connectors in FRP made from glass fibre and thermosetting resin that are used in combination with lime or cement-based inorganic structural mortar.
Apart from guaranteeing that structures have high dimensional stability, higher load-bearing capacity and more even distribution of loads and stresses, what sets CRM Zero Mapei apart from every other solution available on the market is the low environmental impact of all its components.

So, sustainability is a feature unique to CRM Zero. How was it possible to make each single component of the system sustainable?

Sustainability is a highly topical subject and one that we feel very strongly about within the Mapei organisation. We are at a historical juncture, and we need to behave as if part of a global roadmap towards a progressive and complete decarbonisation of the construction industry.
For us at Mapei sustainability is synonymous with durability: we are committed to extending the service life of structures and buildings undergoing redevelopment work in order to reduce the impact they have on the environment.
Increasing durability, which can be achieved by using systems with high performance characteristics, enables the impact on the environment to be reduced, including CO2 emissions, because we can maximise the efficiency of the system and avoid having to return and carry out further work on a structure or building with corrective measures that would require the use of more material and, as a result, the emission of even more carbon dioxide into the environment.

The durability of work carried out and the structures involved are also an indicator of sustainability. What contribution does CRM ZERO provide to the durability of buildings?

Nowadays, the paradigm that puts problems connected to sustainability at the centre of our attention is becoming increasingly important, which will inevitably lead to a different way of approaching the consolidation of a structure throughout its entire life cycle. We are talking about a model that forces us to think at every moment of the design phase to maximise performance while minimising environmental impact.
Employing materials that are lighter in weight and have less volume means minimising emissions associated with their production, transport and the assembly/installation of construction materials, and this allows designers to make more informed decisions regarding strengthening technologies, the choice of materials and suppliers that adopt more virtuous processes.

The Mapei Research & Development laboratories have always been in step with evolutions in the market and of materials and, over the years, have developed increasingly higher performing and more sustainable materials for structural strengthening. Could you briefly summarise this evolution for us?

The constant commitment of our R&D Laboratories, together with Mapei’s passion for innovation, has led to us measuring CO2 emissions along the whole life cycle of the CRM strengthening system in 2024 using LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) methodology, verified and certified by means of EPD (Environmental Product Declarations), and then offset through the acquisition of carbon credits.

Apart from sustainability, CRM Zero also excels for its excellent mechanical and installation characteristics. Which ones in particular?

Strengthening work using CRM Zero is characterised by its very low weight and being easy to handle and apply while, at the same time, ensuring homogeneous and evenly distributed structural strengthening with high mechanical characteristics and ductility and only a slight increase in the stiffness of the structure.
The effectiveness of this technology has been demonstrated over the years by means of scientific tests which have validated its use in the event of earthquakes or for consolidating mechanically weak masonry.
Actually, it is a technology well known on the market and used for structural upgrading work on existing buildings, including for work on historic and listed buildings, with the advantage of working with strengthening components with a high technical value. CRM ZERO MAPEI also guarantees excellent resistance to aggressive chemicals and atmospheric agents. 
* CRM ZERO is part of the CO2 Fully Offset in the Entire Life Cycle line of products. CO2 emissions measured throughout the life cycle of products from the Zero line in 2024 using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology, have been offset through the acquisition of certified carbon credits in support of forestry protection projects.
Giuseppe Melcangi
Corporate Product Manager Structural Strengthening Mapei S.p.A. (Italy)
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Products for structural strengthening
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