Rantoul Family Sports Complex
Mapei Corp. supplied a complete system to install safe and comfortable turf pitches.
Mapei Corp. supplied a complete system to install safe and comfortable turf pitches
A new multi-sport complex with plenty of playing fields
The Village of Rantoul, Illinois, decided upon a creative means of gaining extra revenue, boosting their restaurant, retail, and hospitality services while improving their city’s standard of living — and having a little fun. In a bid to capitalize on “Sports Tourism,” they decided to construct the largest multi-sports complex in the Midwest.
Using a bond measure, as well as private contributions, donations, sponsorships, and grants they created the Rantoul Family Sports Complex, a 1,552,267 sq. ft. (144,210 m2) multi-sport, artificial turf sports park featuring eight ballfields, one softball field, two little league/challenger fields, and eight soccer/multipurpose fields, a splashpad, and a playground.
Located at the intersection of three major interstates, the unique sports complex is designed to draw people from the cities of Chicago, Indianapolis, and St. Louis as none of the cities have sports fields equal to the calibre of those found at the new complex.

The Rantoul Family Sports Complex features eight ballfields, one softball field, two little league/challenger fields, and eight soccer/multipurpose fields, all made of turf.
Mapei products take the field
A field is a field, right? No. Because these fields at the Rantoul complex were created using Mapei products for installing turf. As stated in an interview with “Illinois Newsroom” newspaper, Ryan Reid, the facility’s Director of Sports Operations stated, “The synthetic turf is brand new state of the art. We use a rubber-sand combination that keeps the turf cool and comfortable to play on. It’s like playing on real grass.”
The lack of maintenance costs combined with their ability to guarantee comfort and safety for the turf coverings made the use of Mapei products for turf a win/win.
Mapei Corporation’s (a US subsidiary of the Group) sales representative worked closely with the installing contractor to ensure that Mapei products were correctly used. The system proposed by Mapei included the use of ULTRABOND TURF PU 2K two-component, solvent and water-free polyurethane adhesive for bonding ULTRABOND TURF TAPE jointing strips between the synthetic grass sheets, by using a special application tool, the ULTRABOND TURF GLUE BOX.
ULTRABOND TURF TAPE and ULTRABOND TURF GLUE BOX are manufactured and distributed on the US market by Mapei Corporation.
The use of this system allowed the contractor to win the main challenge of the project, its sheer size, and meet the tight deadline which was due to the fact that the jobsite had to close for the winter months when the fields were blanketed by snow.
The sports complex is now open. The Village of Rantoul has been revitalized thanks to the concept of “Sports Tourism” and the Rantoul Family Sports Complex features cutting-edge turf fields completed with Mapei products.

The turf was installed by using a complete system including ULTRABOND TURF PU 2K adhesive, ULTRABOND TURF TAPE and the application tool ULTRABOND TURF GLUE BOX.
1,552,267 square feet (144 210 m2) of turf installed
Rantoul, USA
The Village of Rantoul, Illinois, decided upon a creative means of gaining extra revenue by boosting their restaurant, retail and hospitality services while improving their city’s standard of living – and having a little fun. In a bid to capitalize on
“sports tourism,” city officials used a bond measure – as well as private contributions, donations, sponsorships and grants – to construct the largest multi-sports complex in the Midwest. The Rantoul Family Sports Complex is a 1,552,267-square-foot (144 210-m2) multi-sport, artificial-turf sports park featuring eight ballfields, one softball field, two Little League/challenger fields, eight soccer/multipurpose fields, a splashpad and a playground. This park proudly features products from MAPEI’s Products for Sports Flooring line throughout the complex.
“sports tourism,” city officials used a bond measure – as well as private contributions, donations, sponsorships and grants – to construct the largest multi-sports complex in the Midwest. The Rantoul Family Sports Complex is a 1,552,267-square-foot (144 210-m2) multi-sport, artificial-turf sports park featuring eight ballfields, one softball field, two Little League/challenger fields, eight soccer/multipurpose fields, a splashpad and a playground. This park proudly features products from MAPEI’s Products for Sports Flooring line throughout the complex.
Start and finish date
Application Type
Products for sports flooring
Village of Rantoul
Contractor company
Byrne & Jones Construction
Installer companies
Midwest Sport and Turf Systems (MWSTS), LLC
Project Manager
Kevin Reynolds (MWSTS)
MAPEI Coordination
Lee Hefner