On the high seas around the globe
A selection of interventions carried out on cruise ships using products from the Marine line.
A selection of interventions carried out on cruise ships using products from the Marine line picked up for our readers of Realtà Mapei International. Read more...
The Costa neoRiviera cruise ship was built in 1999 and is currently owned by Costa Crociere. The swimming pool on deck 9 was completely refurbished using various products from the Mapei Marine line. The company Basilico carried out this intervention in 2016 using MAPECOAT GUARD 100 multi-purpose epoxy coating with excellent anti-corrosion properties and MAPEDECK PRIMER 200, an adhesion promoter for polyurethane systems. The products chosen to level the artificial beach and the bottom of the pool were MAPEDECK LITESCREED, self-levelling, lightweight, self-extinguishing polyurethane base layer for the vertical surfaces and walls, and MAPEDECK LITESCREED TIXO, lightweight flexible polyurethane for levelling vertical surfaces. KERAPOXY CQ was chosen for bonding while the final coating was carried out with MAPECOAT FINISH HP and MAPECOAT FINISH TS aliphatic, polyurethane finishes.
La Suprema cruise ship is part of the fleet owned by the Italian shipping line Grandi Navi Veloci. There is an area on deck 9 which is reserved for dogs. In 2017 this area was completely overhauled. The products chosen for this intervention were MAPEDECK PRIMER 200, an adhesion promoter for polyurethane systems, MAPEDECK LITESCREED lightweight polyurethane base layer fillerized with MARINE FILLER 20 expanded cellular filler to make the substrate and MAPEDECK DESIGN to form a seamless resin coating. The final finish was created by applying MAPEDECK WAX.
The Carnival Inspiration is a cruise ship owned by Carnival Cruise Lines.
In 2017 the company Polywave installed flooring on deck 0, which is reserved for members of the crew. The flooring consisted of a MAPEDECK EPOSCREED LITE epoxy self-levelling underlay with a seamless coat of MAPEDECK EPOFLOOR epoxy self-levelling top-coat finished off with MAPEDECK FINISH 100.
A deck in the entrance area to the Sky cruise ship, owned by Norvegian Cruise Line, was completely rebuilt. The company Polywave carried out the work using products from the Mapei Marine line: MAPEDECK EPOSCREED LITE self-levelling epoxy compound for the substrate, MAPEDECK TEAK DESIGN self-levelling compound to create the flooring with teak-effect, MAPEDECK CAULKING polyurethane resin for deck caulking, and MAPEDECK WAX for the finish.