Mario Botta

The architect Mario Bottagave us his own personal recollections of Giorgio Squinzi.

In the wake of Giorgio Squinzi’s funeral held in the striking setting of Milan Cathedral surrounded by his family and friends, I now often find myself suddenly thinking about Giorgio during breaks in my everyday work, remembering him on one hand as if he were still part of my everyday life and on the other as a distinct echo from the past.

His enduring presence wavering between the present and past sounds rather disturbing.

Does this mean Giorgio is still part of my everyday life or is he somebody I just remember from our work together?

The ambiguity of this situation evokes a constant presence-absence that did not come to end when he left this Earth. His optimism in dealing with the contradictions of life coincides with the enduring force of his thinking: the beauty of“doing”, the beauty of building, the beauty of planning in the firm belief that even individual work can contribute to the common good. This perspective allows us to overcome hurdles and set our sights on our ultimate goals.

I worked with Giorgio on various architectural designs: the project to modernise La Scala Opera House in Milan and the project to build Mapei’s laboratories in his manufacturing plant in Robbiano di Mediglia, in the outskirts of Milan. No bureaucratic or structural hurdles were ever capable getting in the way of completing these enterprises.

For the architect, it showed that architecture in itself does not exist and only becomes such through the work of architecture in question. Thank you again Giorgio!

After all, leaving aside our business ventures together, Giorgio Squinzi always had a very positive impact on my life from a personal viewpoint. His faith in human endeavour is something that has accompanied me throughout my career.

I now realise that a significant part of my very own identity has been lost with his passing.

Mario Botta
Photo/Video Gallery
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