Interview with:
Giulio Morandini
Corporate Product Line Director, Building Mapei SpA

Giulio Morandini discusses the Mapei product portfolio for the building sector.

Concrete repair is one of the most important challenges facing contemporary architecture. What cutting-edge proposals are currently available from Mapei?

Mapei has always focused a great deal of attention to the technological value of its products and has also been committed to supplying technological proposals that are durable over time and, therefore, sustainable with a low impact. For us as a Group, durability and sustainability are important objectives. We have numerous proposals for restoring reinforced concrete and each one takes into consideration a particular problem, for which we have at least one specific solution. The repair of reinforced concrete is highly dependent on the surroundings where the structure to be repaired is located. Restoring the front edge of a balcony on a residential building, for example, is completely different to carrying out restoration work on a reinforced concrete structure facing the sea, and hence exposed to far more aggressive surroundings. It depends very much on the age of the structure, its exposure to atmospheric agents, how deep the deterioration has penetrated, other work carried out over the years and its area of use over the years. For every problem we have a solution. Two examples of “representative” Mapei products I would like to mention are, for restoration work in the civil building sector, PLANITOP SMOOTH & REPAIR, a product used to reintegrate a section to its original size and shape and, at the same time, create a surface suitable to receive the final finish. With just one single product you can repair a deteriorated section and skim the involved surfaces. In so doing, site operations are simpler and quicker and, at the same time, overall costs can be contained.

As far as infrastructures are concerned, a few years ago we developed a type of mortar that can be applied by spray to considerable heights and pumped over very long distances. I am talking about MAPEGROUT EASY FLOW, a fibre-reinforced mortar that, thanks to its versatility, is particularly appreciated on large-scale sites. Its application thickness can be varied to suit the area being restored. A solution adopted on a lot of motorway viaducts we work on.

Mapei has always focused on the technological value of its products and has also been committed to supplying technological proposals that are durable over time and, therefore, sustainable with a low impact.
The Sfalassà viaduct in Southern Italy was repaired between 2010 and 2012. using Mapei products.

What structural and materials analyses do you normally use as a starting point before proposing an intervention using Mapei systems?

When we are commissioned to work on a site, the first thing we do is to carry out a thorough diagnostic analysis to get a clear picture of what triggered deterioration in a structure. We usually carry out chemical analyses to check the presence and depth of aggressive substances, then we assess whether there are potential structural deficiencies. Then, if necessary, we suggest carrying out load tests that enable us to understand the structure’s level of residual strength, along with many other specific analyses according to the type and extent of deterioration on the structure in question. This phase is of fundamental importance because, only once we have all the relative diagnostic data, are we able to understand and propose the most appropriate repair cycle. Mapei’s Research & Development laboratory also acts as a test lab. So, if a client wishes to take advantage of our consultancy service, we are also able to support them during the diagnostic phase.
Mapei’s Research & Development laboratory also acts as a test lab. So, if a client wishes to take advantage of our consultancy service, we are also able to support them during the diagnostic phase.

What criteria should be taken into consideration to choose the most suitable product before undertaking repair work?

The level of aggression of the surroundings in which the structure is located is certainly one of the criteria, followed by the depth and extent of the deterioration and the thickness that needs to be reintegrated, and then the structure’s area of use. So, only once we have completed the diagnostic analysis and got a clear picture of where the structure is located, and checked the thickness to be reintegrated and the structure’s area of use, are we in a position to meet with the client to propose what we consider to be the most appropriate Mapei systems and products to resolve the problem or problems presented by the site.

Once we have completed the diagnostic analysis we get a clear picture of the structure itself. That’s how we meet the client’s needs and we can propose what we consider to be the most appropriate systems.

What type of site assistance is Mapei able to provide?

We can provide complete technical assistance at 360 degrees! Mapei is renowned in the sector for the level of assistance it provides, right from the site survey, diagnostics and analysis phases. We also interface with construction companies both when proposing work cycles and procedures and during the actual application of our products. Our offer as far as technical assistance on site is concerned, and not only on site, is second to none.  This level of support and the approach to assistance provided by Mapei is valid for all sites: from a simple front edge of a balcony to large-scale infrastructures, from small to large-scale projects. And it also contemplates constant presence on site, particularly if requested directly by the client. Work teams made up mainly of engineers have been created in Mapei to provide further support for requests. Each team is assigned to a specific type of problem: repairs and renovation, structural strengthening, restoration and protection, and so on. These teams are highly specialised and are made up of people with specific technical expertise with the ability to respond to all the problems and needs of construction companies, designers and clients. Every intervention has its own dedicated team and, if the need arises, they can also work and interface with all the other teams.
Work teams have been created in Mapei to provide further support and are made up of people with specific technical expertise with the ability to respond to all the problems and needs of construction companies, designers and clients.
Interview with:
Giulio Morandini
Corporate Product Line Director, Building Mapei SpA
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Product Lines
Products for structural strengthening
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