Marco Albelice
Technical Services, Mapei SpA (Italy)

Main characteristics and application fields.

What are the main characteristics of epoxy resin-based grouts?

Epoxy resin-based grouts are generally two-component products resistant to aggressive acids and are impermeable. Also, they are rigid and highly resistant to compression.


When should you use epoxy grouts?

For covering materials that will be in contact with acids, for example in the food and beverages industry: dairies, breweries and similar sectors, or even for worktops in domestic kitchens. In such cases, any food or acids that inevitably come into contact with the grout will not be able to attack it chemically and erode it.


Is it difficult to use resin-based products?

Not any more, no. A lot of progress has been made in the field of chemical products for the building industry and we are now able to produce two-component, epoxy resin-based grouts with a creamy consistency, which makes them much easier to use and clean off surfaces.

What are the most important steps when using epoxy grouts?

1. The two components that make up the grout must be mixed together thoroughly and completely. This operation needs to be carried out very carefully, if possible with an automatic mixer at low-speed, making sure the two components in the product are amalgamated correctly. We recommend you don’t divide the components (that is, use only partial quantities of the two components), otherwise the product may not harden correctly, and its chemical characteristics could be affected.

2. Within a few minutes of filling the joints with product, the floor or wall covering must be cleaned with water.


In which cases should you not use resin-based grout?

There aren’t any particular technical limitations to using it, but normally you shouldn’t use epoxy resin for particularly porous tiles or stone. Why? Because the grout could be deposited in the pores of the material and you wouldn’t be able to remove it. Preliminary tests and a thorough clean may be carried out if necessary to verify the feasibility of the intervention.


So, when all’s said and done, is resin grout better than cementitious grout?

No, the difference rather depends on each site’s specific needs. If there is a risk of aggression from acids then we use resin, in all other situations cement has excellent performance properties.

The family of epoxy grouts made by Mapei is called KERAPOXY. Amongst these products, KERAPOXY CQ is used for joints 3 mm wide and above, while    KERAPOXY DESIGN has been specifically developed for grouting mosaic with joints up to 3 mm wide.

These are highly reliable, technological products with high performance properties and the extra attention required during the preparation and cleaning phases is justified by the end result: quality and durability .of the highest order.


Marco Albelice
Technical Services, Mapei SpA (Italy)
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