autore_Veronica Squinzi Marco Squinzi
Marco and Veronica Squinzi
Corporate CEO

Marco and Veronica Squinzi remembers Adriana Spazzoli.

You were the heart and brains behind Mapei’s communications operations.

Thanks to your creativity and the overpowering force of your ideas, our corporate brand spread well beyond the realms in which it has been operating for over 80 years. Your creative invention in every aspect of marketing and communication combined with a passionate commitment to the company that helped and supported Mapei in every stage of its development and internationalisation.

Your passion for work inspired all your ideas, all your actions and everything you did, and it always made your eyes shine. Work that led to results.

You were unstoppable; a “powerhouse” of projects and ideas that came from an imagination that was always a work, even when you seemed to be resting. At your command, the entire marketing “machine” (consisting of lots of fellow workers) was set in motion and, hardly surprisingly, even the seemingly most bold and daring ideas turned out to be a success. And so, in just a few years, you created lots of work teams and carried out projects in the most miscellaneous realms: trade fairs, sponsorships, sales outlets, Realtà Mapei, advertising campaigns, sports, packaging, technical documentation, art and culture.

Nevertheless, this melting pot of ideas and enterprises could suddenly grind to a halt if somebody turned up or asked for your help. This is because you knew how to deal with other people, showing sincere and heartfelt attention to their own peculiar needs and requirements. That is why you were also a “powerhouse” of affection, esteem and a kind of lifestyle you embodied in person.

You were also committed to the needy, another quality you embodied and left behind as part of your legacy. You organised so many projects to help the less fortunate out of an awareness that we have a duty to look beyond our own most immediate horizons.

What you have achieved will not be forgotten and will be continued along the path you have mapped out.

Your great creative energy, endearing personality and communications skills clearly emerge in what your working partners, fellow workers and friends had to say in their memories published in this special issue.

Bye, mum

autore_Veronica Squinzi Marco Squinzi
Marco and Veronica Squinzi
Corporate CEO
Photo/Video Gallery
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