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Falcone-Borsellino International Airport
Bonding porcelain floors in the new passenger area in Palermo.

Baladin Farm and Brewery
Since its foundation in 1996, the Baladin brewery, under the lead of the master-brewer Teo Musso, became a well known brand and therefore now needed a bigger production facility. The new plant was built on an existing building and required the best…

48 Restaurant & Bar in Hungary
The restauration of a building of historical interest requires attention to details and long studies. In this case the works lasted two years and required special care for all interiors and exteriors. For the internal walls and floors, the interior…

20 years of polyurethanes
Twenty years have gone by since the distant days of 1997 when Enrico Pozzi, an expert in chemistry and polyurethane materials, was taken on by Mapei to head the newly created R&D Polyurethanes group. The same year the company was celebrating the…