Position the tape and relative accessory items in correspondence with expansion joints, fillets between horizontal and vertical surfaces, corners and edges and bond them with MAPEGUM WPS.
Apply the product in two, even thin layers (approx. 0.4 mm per layer) with a brush, long-pile roller or trowel. Wait until the first layer is dry before applying the second layer with a trowel crossways to the first one.
Apply the product with a MAPEI No. 1 or TKB A2 notched trowel (for LVT with an uneven back or not particularly flat, use a MAPEI No. 2 or 3 or TKB B1 trowel).
Before applying the product thoroughly clean the surface of the LVT with a red or green ULTRACOAT PAD. After mixing the two components as specified (comp. A : comp. B = 5 : 1 in weight), apply a crisscross layer of product with a short-pile roller (such as an ULTRACOATROLLER T3 or T5) or by airless spray.
After mixing the two components as specified (comp. A : comp. B = 5 : 1 in weight), apply a criss-cross layer of product with a short-pile roller (such as an ULTRACOAT ROLLER T3 or T5).
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